
講義名 English Writing A(3) 
英文科目名 English Writing A 
科目ナンバー L00BAS1109 

リン I. C.

科目群 実用英語 
対象学年 1年 
開講期間 後期 
曜日・時限・教室 後期 火曜日 3講時 A-202教室(CALL教室)

This is an introductory writing course. Its aim is to develop basic writing skills. Students will experience writing as communication; they will practise and produce writing, develop basic research and word-processing skills, reflect on their studies and university life through writing, and effectively target potential readers around their environment. 
1. Practice writing on paper and on a computer.
2. Use your knowledge and ideas, and write about familiar topics.
3. Learn and practice different ways to express yourself in writing.
4. Communicate with others through writing.
5. Learn basic research skills.
6. Manage and organise your portfolio. 
In each class, students will improve their basic writing skills through 1) free-writing activities, both on paper and on a computer, to develop fluency, and 2) more focused tasks to develop linguistic accuracy.
Students will practice how to integrate skills with emphasis on both language and meaning. They will gather and organise ideas, learn how to review and edit their work, and they will cover common topics such as everyday life and school life.
You will have a file to keep all your work; you will be responsible for it. Also, you will need to keep all your writing stored digitally (e.g., a USB stick, computer folder, cloud service, etc). It's your responsibility to keep your data safe and easy to access. This file and all your digital files are part of your portfolio and it must be complete by the end of the course. 
Classes involve groupwork (from small groups to whole-class activities) and individual work. Several sessions also include peer review, problem solving, and problems using authentic information. 
Resources, such as quizzes, questionnaires and worksheets, will be available online (Moodle). Students will sometimes use computers for research and for preparing materials, reports and essays. 
回数 授業、事前・事後学修の内容 時間
1 事前   Syllabus check; preparation for the course.  2.0 
授業   Orientation; Unit1 What are the CUBING and POWER Systems? 
事後   Review exercise.  2.0 
2 事前   Preview exercise.  2.0 
授業   Unit 2 What is Writing?, Unit 3 About the Paragraph 
事後   Review exercise.  2.0 
3 事前   Preparation for writing task.  2.0 
授業   Unit 4 Descriptive paragraphs, Experience task 1 - Writing about a familiar topic 
事後   Task completion and submission.  2.0 
4 事前   Preview exercise.  2.0 
授業   Unit 4 Descriptive paragraphs 
事後   Review exercise.  2.0 
5 事前   Preview exercise.  2.0 
授業   Unit 5 Comparison and Contrast Paragraph 
事後   Review exercise.  2.0 
6 事前   Preparation for writing task.  2.0 
授業   Unit 5 Comparison and Contrast Paragraph, Shared task 1 - focus group writing 
事後   Task completion and submission.  2.0 
7 事前   Preparation for writing task.  2.0 
授業   Unit 5 Comparison and Contrast Paragraph, Integrated skills task 1 - basic reading and writing 
事後   Task completion and submission.  2.0 
8 事前   Self study (review of skills and tasks).  2.0 
授業   Time attack writing task 1 
事後   Self study (review of skills and tasks).  2.0 
9 事前   Preview exercise.  2.0 
授業   Unit 6 Process Paragraph - Fluency 
事後   Review exercise.  2.0 
10 事前   Preview exercise.  2.0 
授業   Unit 6 Process Paragraph - Accuracy 
事後   Review exercise.  2.0 
11 事前   Preparation for writing task.  2.0 
授業   Unit 7 Narrative paragraph, Guided task 1 - describing an event 
事後   Task completion and submission.  2.0 
12 事前   Preparation for writing task.  2.0 
授業   Unit 7 Narrative paragraph, Integrated skills task 2 - four basic skills 
事後   Task completion and submission.  2.0 
13 事前   Preparation for writing task.  2.0 
授業   Unit 8 Summary paragraph - fluency 
事後   Task completion and submission.  2.0 
14 事前   Self study (review of skills and tasks).  2.0 
授業   Unit 8 Summary paragraph - accuracy 
事後   Self study (review of skills and tasks).  2.0 
15 事前   Self study (review of skills and tasks).  2.0 
授業   Time attack writing task 2 
事後   Summary of course; post-class reflection and response questionnaire.  2.0 
I have taught English as a second language at college levels for 5 years.
Writing is one of the skills that require time and practice to improve.
I hope you can learn from others and your own mistakes and become a better writer through this course. 
Moodle assignments: 20%
Writing assignments: 40% (8% x 5)
Time-attack tasks: 20% (10% x 2)
In-class exercises and Integrated skills writing tasks: 20% 
No 著者名 書籍名 出版社 ISBN/ISSN
1. Matthew A. Taylor, David E. Kluge  『Basic Steps to Academic Writing From Paragraph to Essay』  Cengage Learning  978-4-86312-209-3 
1. Students should not be absent more than 5 times.
2. Students should keep in mind the assignments' deadlines. Writing assignments should be handed in on time. 30% will be deducted from the assignment score for late assignments.
3. Students may request an extension of deadlines under special circumstances. But you need to contact the teacher before the deadline.
4. ALL assignment submissions will be checked via an AI detective system. If your writing is more than 50% written by AI, you will receive a ZERO for your grades. 
c.rin(@)e.sgu.ac.jp 丸括弧を抜けてください。 
Please email to make an appointment. 